The Amazing Fantastic Phenomenal Heater Kit for Subaru-Converted VW Bay Window Buses


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Picture it: A crisp morning. You wake up from a beautiful night camping in the woods with your bestie and need to head to the general store for provisions. But it’s cold out, and on the way, your windshield starts to frost up. Do you tell your bestie to stop breathing so gosh-dang much for a few minutes so you can see out the windshield? Do you ask them to take out their ID so you can use it to scrape off the inside of the windshield? Or do you stick your neck out the window into the freezing cold air and squint through the frosty air to see the road? The answer is D), NONE OF THE ABOVE! Not anymore!

You simply reach down and turn a knob to switch on your snazzy new heater system, and bazinga! The good times just keep rolling. Everyone can breathe normally, and you can make it to the general store with your eyeballs nice and warm.

All that said, unless you live south of the border, you need a heater in your Subaru-converted Bay Window Bus.

And we have just the ticket:

Our heater kit ties directly into the stock heater tree, which means you can still use the levers on the dash to control if the heat goes to your feet or the windshield. The switch we use also fits directly into a stock spot on the dash, making the system look and feel as though it were meant to be there.

In keeping with our philosophy of making every product we produce as turn-key as possible, this kit comes with every piece of hardware you need to get up and running, and in about an hour of cursing and drinking a beer or two, you’ll be heater-ed up and ready for heading to the general store.